About us

We live in a complex and ever-changing world with many of the challenges of our time and we all need to contribute to solving them.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a global language for action and fundamental reform of our growth model. Business is a force for positive change for our people and our natural environment. Universities can and should contribute to transformation and resilience efforts, by developing responsible and inclusive leaders.

A global consensus has been established by the United Nations on the importance of the 17 areas identified by the SDGs. There is an urgent need to respond to the global challenges and the underlying challenges (reducing global poverty or fighting global warming). These responses still generate deep disagreements and conflicts between powerful sectors of the global economy.

It is in the face of these challenges that ENSIATE, after 18 years of existence, which have enabled it to validate its VISION of the need for SKILLS, through the development of the training of ECO-ENERGETICIANS, has decided to launch its network of ALUMNI.

We are convinced that together we will represent a unique force of proposal for a good ENERGY TRANSITION!

You have always trusted us since 2003 until today in 2021.

We know we can count on you to take up the challenge of a network of ALUMNI, a force for proposals for a LIVABLE PLANET!

Be honoured to continue this VISION for the HAPPINESS OF FUTURE GENERATIONS!

Welcome to all of you.